Dumpster rentals are very affordable and can be a tax-deductible expense. However, because you are likely looking to cut costs for your business in any possible way, you should take every action you can to make your dumpster even more affordable.
Use the Dumpster as a Tax Deduction
Don't forget to deduct the cost of a dumpster from your taxes. A dumpster is considered a business expense unless you are using it for personal reasons.
Stay Within the Rental Period
Know the rental period and make sure to remain within it. For example, if you are only renting a dumpster for seven days, do not put off the trash removal process. If you can shorten the length of time that you will be using the dumpster, you may save money.
Downsizing the amount of debris you have can help keep costs low. Not only will you not need a dumpster that is as large, but you will save money on labor costs as you will not need your staff to work as many hours.
Rent from a Local Company
If you are from Ft. Myers, rent a dumpster that services that area in particular. Then, you will pay less money to have the dumpster transported to your property. You also won't have to wait as long for the dumpster to arrive.
Limit What You Put in the Dumpster
Find out exactly what can be disposed of in the dumpster. Then, make sure to double-check requirements as you fill the dumpster. An employee or someone outside your company might dispose of the wrong item, and you might want to fish it out to avoid a fine.
Obtain Necessary Permits to Avoid Fines
Talk to the dumpster rental company about any permits that you might need if you are placing the dumpster on public property. The permit fee will be factored into the price. Make sure to not mix different types of materials because each type might require a different permit.
Don't Let Others Use Your Dumpster
If your dumpster is filling up faster than you might expect, find out if someone else is using your dumpster. This might be an innocent mistake. For example, if your property is nearby a hotel, guests at the hotel might be dumping their garbage into your dumpster accidentally. Put up a sign that clarifies that the dumpster is for your business only.
If your dumpster continues to fill up, consider putting barriers in place, such as fencing. Consider relocating your dumpster to a place that is more difficult to access. Tell your employees to inform anyone entering your property to not use the dumpster. At night, place a lock on the dumpster when you cannot warn others not to dump their waste there.
Choose the Right Size
Make sure to rent a dumpster that is the right size. If your dumpster is too large, you will simply be paying for more than what you need. If your dumpster is too small, you're more likely to be charged overage fees. You may also be forced to rent another dumpster that might cost more than if you had simply rented a larger dumpster.
If you have rented a dumpster for a long time, you may forget that you’re still paying a rental fee. The dumpster may rarely fill up, if ever. Talk to your staff and find out if they ever fill the dumpster up all the way. You might be able to downsize your dumpster.
If you're not sure what size dumpster you need, contact us at ESP Dumpsters. Give us a call, and we'll discuss pricing and ways that you can get the best bang for your buck. We offer dumpsters for home renovations, yard waste, and construction cleanup.